Dakakker Urban Rooftop Farm

1241 Dakakker

As part of the 5th International Architecture Biennial Rotterdam, the Rotterdam Test Site has included the city’s first rooftop garden on top of the Schieblock building. The garden houses vegetables. herbs and bees, with the produce being distributed to local …
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Bastille Restaurant Rooftop Garden

1034 Bastille Cafe

Bastille cafe, like many organic and sustainable restaurants, source their products from local farmers and purveyors whenever possible. However Bastille Cafe has taken this a step further by sourcing vegetables from their own roof. A 4,500 square foot garden of …
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Sky Vegetables


Sky Vegetables is an entrepreneurial business venture which constructs commercial-scale hydroponic farms on urban rooftops of 10,000 sq ft or more. Their mission is to improve the health and nutrition of city populations and provide new jobs and educational opportunities …
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