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- FUI is supported by a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation under the National Research Programme NRP 65 "New Urban Quality"
Edible Campus – The University of Quebec, Montreal

Campus Comestibles is a set of four initiatives for four university campuses. Montreal students are working hard to promote urban agriculture and eventually be able to feed themselves thanks to the university’s production. The University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) …
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Bagnolet’s Shepherd

Gilles Amar, a young shepherd and holder of an agricultural title, had wanted to introduce farm animals in Seine-Saint-Denis, in the city of Bagnolet, where he grew up. He and his herd composed of sheep and goats move from green …
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Guerrilla Grafters: Splicing fruit-Bearing Branches Onto City Trees

In 2013, Vancouver completed the largest urban orchard in North America. The site, a former gas station, is rented by Sole Food from the city of Vancouver for $1 per year. Situated near a train station, this once abandoned site …
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Plantages de Lausanne

The city master plan for Lausanne revealed a need for more urban garden space. To achieve this, the city identified underused spaces in dense neighborhoods across the city, and equipped them with modest infrastructure to support gardening. Each allotment space …
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Walkley Micro Allotment Network

Studio Polpo has worked with Transition Crookes/Walkley to develop the micro-allotment network, being piloted in the Walkley area of the city.
This initiative has created a series of small plots for growing fruit, herbs and vegetables out of currently disused …
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“ECObox is a temporary garden constructed out of recycled materials”. It is a series of self-managed projects in the La Chapelle area of northern Paris which encourage residents to get access to and critically transform temporary misused or underused spaces. …
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Brick City Urban Farms and EarthBoxes

Brick City Urban Farms began using EarthBoxes when they created an urban farm (with the help of the newly elected mayor) on an unused parcel of land in Newark. The soil on this plot was polluted and unsuitable for growing …
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The “Private Garden Plot Act” in Russia

In 2003 the Russian President signed into law a further “Private Garden Plot Act” enabling Russian citizens to receive free of charge from the state, plots of land in private inheritable ownership. Sizes of the plots differ by region but …
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Bag/Sack Gardens

The slums of Nairobi house more than 60 percent of the population; Kibera slum being the second biggest. Agricultural land remains scarce and in December 2007, due to post-election violence, food prices rose by 50% in six months. The French …
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Back to Front

Back to Front is a community organization set up to promote food growing in front gardens so that they ‘look good and taste better’.
The scheme was initially inspired by the Bangladeshi people of Leeds who often used their front …
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100-Mile Diet

The 100-Mile Diet is a non-fiction book where the authors, Alisa Smith and J.B. MacKinnon, recount their experiences on restricting their diet for a year to foods only grown within 100 miles of their residence. Finding little in grocery stores, …
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« Nouveaux jardins »/ Bunte Gärten

Many refugees, asylum seekers and migrants suffer from dislocation and little social contact and the alienation can create psychological consequences.
In HEKS Neue Gärten Bern (New Gardens Bern) persons of migrational background jointly cultivate these family gardens, not only as …
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Aquaculture in a geodesic dome

“Ever since R. Buckminster Fuller popularized the design in the mid-20th century, there’s been something captivating about the geodesic dome. While the structure typically makes architecture lovers salivate, now it’s conquering the heart of another type of urbanist: the …
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Urban Agriculture Basel

As a nonprofit organization , the Urban Agriculture Network Basel encourages the production of foods, herbs , flowers , livestock and medicinal plants , living in the city of Basel and the agglomeration people. In this case , the association …
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