Yes to local urban agriculture – No to a temporary parking lot!!!

“Save R-URBAN, an internationally acclaimed professional and citizen initiative of resilient regeneration in Colombes, near Paris, and persuade the municipality and other authorities of the general interest of preserving this project whose main site in Colombes is currently threaten to …
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Artscape Wychwood Barns

1918 artscape

Adaptive reuse projects maintain connections to our past while conserving resources through the reuse of materials. Depending on location and use, they can also benefit communities by revitalizing neighborhoods. The Artscape Wychwood Barns project in Toronto is one such case. …
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Le 56 – Ecointerstice

1228 ecointerstice 56-WP

‘Le 56′ is located on a formerly unused piece of land which had remained undeveloped due to outstanding conflicts between building developers and the municipality. In an attempt to resolve the issue, the commune of Paris invited Atelier d’Architecture Autogérée …
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1037 Boatanica

Boatanic is a new concept in its beginning stages, led by Damian O’Sullivan and supported by the Enviu team, that plans to revolutionize urban farming.

The idea is to revive formerly active tourist boats, used to travel down city canals …
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Bastille Restaurant Rooftop Garden

1034 Bastille Cafe

Bastille cafe, like many organic and sustainable restaurants, source their products from local farmers and purveyors whenever possible. However Bastille Cafe has taken this a step further by sourcing vegetables from their own roof. A 4,500 square foot garden of …
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Greensgrow Farms

1097 Greengrow P2

Encompassing a entire city block in North Philadelphia’s gridded urban layout, Greensgrow Farm is situated on the former site of a galvanized steel plant which is designated as a brownfield site by the United States Environmental Protect Agency. The farm …
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Alemany Farms

1028 Alemany Farm P2

Alemany Farms is a volunteer-run farm set between residential areas, playfields and a highway. There are in-ground plantings, raised beds, hoop houses, and areas for educational groups to gather.

The Alemany Farm is a non-profit organization which uses the farm …
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1013 P2

Residents opposed the demolition of a building and the cutting down of trees on the property, in preparation for the building of a school. They organized and decided to use the site for a permaculture garden that is managed seasonally …
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