Selection de publications de l’équipe

  • BERTSCHINGER, L., BAUR. R, CARLEN, C., and DORUCHOWSKI, G. “Sustainability of horticulture in Europe (environmental, social, economic) : examples from the pre-and pos-harvest food chain.” Proceedings of the I International Symposium on Horticulture in Europe. Acta Horticulturae, 817 : 187-194, 2009.
  • BERTSCHINGER, L., CORELLI-GRAPPADELLI, L., M.P.M. DERKX, M. P. M., KOCKEROLS, K, SIJTSEMA, S. j:, SEINER, S., VAN DER LANS, I., VAM SCHAIK, A. and ZIMMERMANN, K. A systematic method to bridge between pre-harvest, post-harvest and consumer research aimed at increasing fruit consumption: The “Vasco da Gama” process. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology. In press.
  • GYMNICH,S., BRUCKNER, S., SCHMITZ, T., VAN DER ROEST, J., CRESPO, P., KAGI, A-, BERTSCHINGER, L. and PETERSEN, B. 2007. MonStratFood: Monitoring strategies in food supply chains. Abstract PromSTAP Annual Congress, 4.-5. October 2007, Vidin, Bulgaria
  • HALLER, T. (2009): Apples compared to Apples: Attitudes towards cisgenic and transgenic breeds. Yearbook of Socioeconomics in Agriculture. pp. 3-34.
  • HUBER, R., HALLER, T., WEBER, M. et al. (2007): Land(wirt)schaft 2020: Was erwartet die Gesellschaft? Agrarforschung. Vol. 14, No. 09, pp. 406-411.
  • LABELLE, G., NEMBRINI, J. and HUANG , J. (2006) “Simulation-Driven Design System: Parametric Design,” Proceedings of eCAADe 2006.
  • LABELLE, G., NEMBRINI, J. and HUANG , J. (2009) “Programming Framework for Architectural Design [ANAR+],” Proceedings of CAAD Futures, Montréal 2009. see also
  • LEHMANN, B., STEIGER, U. and WEBER, M. (2007): Landschaften und Lebensräume der Alpen – Zwischen Wertschöpfung und Wertschätzung. Herausgegeben von der Leitungsgruppe des NFP 48. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag.
  • FLAXMAN, S., HUANG, J. STEPHENSON, J., and COMTESSE, X. (2009). “CityRank: a dynamic tool for exploring and generating new indices of cities.” Information Design Journal. 17:3, January 2010.
  • TUTKUN, A., HALLER, T., LEHMANN, B. et al. (2007): Ungebrochenen Befürwortung einer produzierenden Landwirtschaft – sofern sie tierfreundlich und umweltgerecht ist. UNIVOS Teil III A Landwirtschaft 2006, Trendbericht. ETH Zürich, Institute for Environmental Decisons und gfs-zürich, Zürich.
  • VERZONE & WOODS, “Cadrages – Assessment and Evolution of the Rural Landscape of Vaud.” Initiative of the Service de l’aménagement du territoire SDT, followed by; Service des forêts , de la faune et de la nature SFFN, Service des bâtiments, monuments et archéologie SBMA, Service des améliorations foncières SAF, Service de l’économie, du logement et du tourisme SELT. Study 2004-2005, Report 2006.
  • VERZONE, Craig, “Frameworks – Preparing Rural Landscape for Change”, Proceedings of Great Idea Conference, Vienna 2009.

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