What is Food Urbanism?
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- FUI is supported by a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation under the National Research Programme NRP 65 "New Urban Quality"
Typology >Jardin collectif

Production de fruits et légumes ensemble en association sans objectif économique, mais plutôt événementiel, théâtral ou festif, musique, cuisine, repas, veillées... Ces activités de vie en extérieur, liées à la terre et aux saisons par les plantes qui les rassemblent, font des jardins associatifs une entité culturelle, de production et d’accueil à l’échelle du quartier ou davantage selon le nombre de ses membres.
Organisation spatiale
Un emplacement vacant est accaparé par un groupe fondateur qui y installe le cœur de son projet. Culture de légumes, loisirs et détente, pâtures et abris pour animaux, projections artistiques et spectacles, le lieu exprime immédiatement sa personnalité en dessinant son espace. L’accueil d’un public devient rapidement une nécessité et le lieu de convivialité et de repos s’ouvre alors largement à l’extérieur, ce qui en révèle la dimension sociale.
Critère de production
Ce genre de production fournit normalement la nourriture nécessaire à l’alimentation de ses membres actifs pour une implication de 5 à 10 heures par semaine. Cette autosuffisance initiale permet un rayonnement progressif du jardin permetttant ainsi aux citadins de se joindre aux festivités. La partie nourricière, par sa mise en place initiale dans le projet, constitue les fondements de la structure végétale et crée un équilibre. Elle se compose de structures inertes, arbres et arbustes, lianes et persistants, vivaces en pleine terre et annuelles en bac afin de traverser la saison froide sans diminuer la présence identitaire positive de la production estivale.
Dimension sociale
Le jardin associatif a besoin de communiquer son image et son expérience et se situe en cela souvent très proche de l’activité artistique. Les saisons correspondent au montage d’une exposition où la nature serait l’artiste. Ainsi, l’hiver montre les structures de l’œuvre, le printemps met en place les premières graines et l’été expose au public le projet complet. A l’automne, la maturité maximale des récoltes permet de clore l’exposition par une grande invitation générale et la consommation des produits du jardin. Ces célébrations sont l’occasion de récolter les expériences multiples des personnes âgées ou handicapées qui n’ont pu participer plus tôt à la réalisation du jardin.
Contexte urbain
Le projet associatif naît généralement en réaction spontanée à un contexte urbain déprécié face auquel il oppose son dynamisme, sa jeunesse, ses couleurs, son enthousiasme et des activités de vie en dégageant une poésie certaine. Cette présence contrastée peut redonner au quartier le sens d’une identité oubliée et recréer des liens ou cicatriser
Opportunités / contraintes
La grande liberté dont jouit la créativité associative permet d’espérer des transformations importantes pour des situations urbaines difficiles. La capacité à faire quelque chose de bénéfique à partir d’un lieu a priori néfaste demande énormément d’énergie vitale. Les démarches organisationnelles administratives peuvent parfois soutenir le rôle sécuritaire assuré par la présence des jardiniers.
Yes to local urban agriculture – No to a temporary parking lot!!!
“Save R-URBAN, an internationally acclaimed professional and citizen initiative of resilient regeneration in Colombes, near Paris, and persuade the municipality and other authorities of the general interest of preserving this project whose main site in Colombes is currently threaten to …
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Where do your vegees come from ?

Where do your vegetables come from? In big cities people tend to forget where and how food is produced. The installation was an effort to bring together food consumption and production in a simple direct way. The aim of the …
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M.E.P La Casaz

Le MEP de la Casaz, à Bulle vise la qualité d’intégration paysagère d’un nouvel ensemble de logements dans un tissu villageois de faible densité. Le site, à proximité immédiate du centre, offre un cadre paysager exceptionnel bénéficiant de vues remarquables, …
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Les Parties, Yverdon-les-bains

L’équipe pluridisciplinaire pour Les Parties, pilotée par Urbaplan avec la participation de VWA pour la thématique paysage, a abordé l’urbanisation d’un espace actuellement agricole, pris entre la frange urbaine existante et le viaduc. Le programme prévu pour ce secteur inclut …
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Les Plaines-du-Loup, Métamorphose

Permettant d’associer la production alimentaire à une démarche urbanistique, le projet de concours VWA pour les Plaines-du-Loup considère l’activité agricole comme un élément qualifiant les espaces libres du quartier et lui conférant une forte identité. Ne cherchant pas à concurrencer …
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Edible Campus – The University of Quebec, Montreal

Campus Comestibles is a set of four initiatives for four university campuses. Montreal students are working hard to promote urban agriculture and eventually be able to feed themselves thanks to the university’s production. The University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) …
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Agro-Housing, a multi-storey apartment block proposal by Israeli practice Knafo Klimor Architects, was the winning submission for a site in China in the second Living Steel international design competition in 2007. It is one of the many proposals seen in …
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Mole Hill Community Housing

Mole Hill Community Housing Project is noteworthy not only for the retention and restoration of 26 heritage buildings, creation of 170 units of affordable housing, and a child-care precinct, but also for the incorporation of significant sustainable design features. It …
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Troy Gardens

Troy Garden is growing certified organic food including a community garden, a school training programs and a Community farm of 6 ha. The aim of the project are: learn to grow and prepare array of garden vegetables and fruits, increase …
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Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson Community Garden

“50 Cent” Jackson Community Garden, initially called Baisley Park Community Garden, is inspired by the Kitchen Gardens of Villandry, France. The formal geometry in the gardens essentially provides the framework for the landscape’s design, creating playful spaces for children and …
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“Le jardin des amis de Thônex”

Since 2005, the non-profit organisation Equiterre (Equiterre – Partner for sustainable development) promotes the development of urban gardens in the heart of neighbourhoods on unused land through its project “Potager Urbain” (with the support of the Loterie Romande). Equiterre supports …
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Le 56 – Ecointerstice

‘Le 56′ is located on a formerly unused piece of land which had remained undeveloped due to outstanding conflicts between building developers and the municipality. In an attempt to resolve the issue, the commune of Paris invited Atelier d’Architecture Autogérée …
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Colony farm

The Colony Regional Farm Sustainability Plan (COLSP) outlines a future where Colony Farm is a physical and virtual place for research, learning, and experimentation into the integration of sustainable food systems, wildlife, recreation and community. The concept of an on-site …
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Franklin permaculture garden

The UMass Permaculture Initiative is a unique sustainability program that converts unproductive grass lawns on campus into ecological, socially responsible, and financially sustainable permaculture landscapes that are easy to replicate. The permaculture garden provides food for the campus dining facilities …
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Incredible edible

Incredible Edible is a campaign group for local food in an ex-industrial Yorkshire market town. They support and encourage a number of food related projects throughout the town some of which are located in unconventional locations such as the graveyard …
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Green thumb

GreenThumb provides programming and material support to over 500 community gardens in New York City. Workshops, which are the access point for supplies, are held every month of the year, covering gardening basics to more advanced farming and community organizing …
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Beacon food forest

Funded in part by the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods and maintained by dozens of volunteers, the Beacon food forest contains fruit and nut trees, mulberry bushes and snack paths of strawberries to create an edible forest. With permaculture principles at …
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Via Verde

Its name Via Verde, meaning “the green way,” is an affordable housing complex in the South Bronx. The complex features 151 units of affordable rental housing and 71 moderate-income units oriented around a community garden and a series of green …
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Queen Elizabeth Health Centre Rooftop garden

The container garden is a project of Biotop-AAC, a company set up by Valiquette and the agriculture department to find commercial applications. The garden produced more than 113 kilograms of fresh fruit and vegetables in it’s first year and the …
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Edible Public Space

Edible Public Space is an experimental project of food growing in public space in Leeds. The Edible Public Space is based on providing resources for cheap and healthy food allocation within disadvantaged neighborhoods; bringing back an essential element in life …
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“ECObox is a temporary garden constructed out of recycled materials”. It is a series of self-managed projects in the La Chapelle area of northern Paris which encourage residents to get access to and critically transform temporary misused or underused spaces. …
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Cittaslow UK

Cittaslow towns describe themselves as unique, vibrant and prosperous. There’s an art to improving the quality of life in a town; a way in which the community comes together for the common good that generates a passion felt by residents …
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Brooklyn Grange

Brooklyn Grange Farm is a 1-acre rooftop garden on top of a 1919 industrial building in Queens, New York. The Farm is a commercial enterprise, selling produce to restaurants and businesses, as well as directly to the consumer through two …
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Vivero Organoponico Alamar

The central part of this cooperative endeavor is built from recycled materials: wood, tin roofing, hand painted signs and one building with windows that clearly came from a bus. Eighty tons of food per acre are produce on the site …
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“Urban Agricultural Technicians”

Environmental and urban planning advocate Majora Carter advises cities, foundations, universities, businesses, and communities around the world on unlocking their green-collar economic potential to benefit everyone. In 2001, she founded Sustainable South Bronx to achieve environmental justice through economically sustainable …
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Greenwich Village School GELL

In 2003, New York’s Public School 41 established a garden program through the collaboration of parents and teachers funding by local businesses. The school grows seasonal veggies and herbs, fruit trees, and plants native to the region. Most of the …
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Strathcona and Cottonwood Community Gardens

Strathcona Gardens is an organic community garden run by the Stathcona Community Gardeners Society. Members of the community can acquire a plot by paying a small fee and coming to required “work parties”. The garden uses a rainwater cistern, a …
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PS 216 Edible Schoolyard

The design is a series of interlinked sustainable systems that produce energy and heat, collect rainwater, process compost and sort waste with an off-grid infrastructure. A mobile greenhouse roof covers 1600 square feet of ground in the winter and slides …
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Central Park, Nangan, Matsu Islands

The island is part of the democratic entity in Lienchiang County of the Fujian Province of the Republic of China (ROC). The government gave the local government the ability to create their own central “square”. The town and citizens decided …
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44th Street Organiponico

Situated in concrete raised beds in an old parking lot, the 44th St. Organoponico garden fertilizes the soil using worm compost and magnetizes the water to reduce the build up of minerals in the beds. They use plants such as …
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Residents opposed the demolition of a building and the cutting down of trees on the property, in preparation for the building of a school. They organized and decided to use the site for a permaculture garden that is managed seasonally …
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Southeast False Creek – Olympic Village

Southeast False Creek (constructed as the Vancouver Winter Olympic Athlete Village) has an extensive urban agricultural strategy that guides the developers as well as public agencies and private citizens in integrating agriculture into every piece of the development. It sits …
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Le plantage aux Libellules de Vernier

The Vernier project was built upon the site of an old factory. The parcels follow a system implemented in the region, where garden plots are offered to inhabitants who live within a five minute walk from the plots. Recreation and …
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