Inuvik Community Greenhouse

1916 inuvik

The Inuvik Community Greenhouse is the most northern greenhouse in North America located just above the 68th parallel, roughly 2 degrees north of the Arctic Circle. It is home to the Community Garden Society of Inuvik – a non-profit organization …
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“Le jardin des amis de Thônex”

1053 Thônex

Since 2005, the non-profit organisation Equiterre (Equiterre – Partner for sustainable development) promotes the development of urban gardens in the heart of neighbourhoods on unused land through its project “Potager Urbain” (with the support of the Loterie Romande). Equiterre supports …
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Le 56 – Ecointerstice

1228 ecointerstice 56-WP

‘Le 56′ is located on a formerly unused piece of land which had remained undeveloped due to outstanding conflicts between building developers and the municipality. In an attempt to resolve the issue, the commune of Paris invited Atelier d’Architecture Autogérée …
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Brick City Urban Farms and EarthBoxes

1063 Earthboxes

Brick City Urban Farms began using EarthBoxes when they created an urban farm (with the help of the newly elected mayor) on an unused parcel of land in Newark. The soil on this plot was polluted and unsuitable for growing …
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Alemany Farms

1028 Alemany Farm P2

Alemany Farms is a volunteer-run farm set between residential areas, playfields and a highway. There are in-ground plantings, raised beds, hoop houses, and areas for educational groups to gather.

The Alemany Farm is a non-profit organization which uses the farm …
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