What is Food Urbanism?
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- FUI is supported by a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation under the National Research Programme NRP 65 "New Urban Quality"
“Urban Agricultural Technicians”

Environmental and urban planning advocate Majora Carter advises cities, foundations, universities, businesses, and communities around the world on unlocking their green-collar economic potential to benefit everyone. In 2001, she founded Sustainable South Bronx to achieve environmental justice through economically sustainable …
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Dongtan Eco-Project

The newly designed city responds to an intense urbanization of the rural population. Planned double-decker organic farms replaces agriculture lost to building. All waste is recycled for agriculture or energy. In some cases former agricultural land will be returned to …
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Hantz Farms Detroit

Hantz Farms Detroit aims to create the world’s largest urban farm. As Detroits population and economy have declined over the years, much of the city is vacant or dispersed across the city limits. John Hantz sees urban agriculture as a …
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